BZEZ 2.0 3D Printer
Bzez 2.0 3D printer has been developed by AugmentAr CJSC and belongs to the RepRap family of printers.
The main feature of this type of 3D printer is the ability to self-reproduce (RepRap – Replicating Rapid).
This means that most of the printer’s structure is plastic parts that can be printed with the same printer.
This is a educational 3D printer and each component of the printer’s structure is adapted for use in its educational purposes and helps students with a printer make a second printer or other robotic object for themselves.
Why Bzez 2.0?
Free printer license, promotion of parts publishing (you are abel to download the parts from this link ) students are free to download and print with their printer and make their own 2nd.
The other parts of the printer is easy to find from market.

Get In touch
(+374) 60-800-801
Available from 10:00 – 19:00 (Monday to Friday)
Address 3201 Ankakhutyan 114. Goris, Armenia